2014年5月30日 星期五

Comments on the MRT killing news

     What happened to our society? Taipei used to be known as the safest city in Asia. Things changed because of this. Now many people started to blame the guy, blame his parents and blame the whole society. Who is the one that make this happen? I think its every one of us. All of us have the responsibility to stop this, starting from being nice and friendly to the person next to you. Nowadays people focus on their electronic devices so much that we ignore the person that needs our care and love. We jumped into the virtual world and forgot the practical one we really live in. If all of us give a big smile to everyone we met and say hello, maybe, i said maybe, this tragedy won't happen, because the killer was a human as well. He could feel the warm and love people give him.
     The tragedy has happened and it hurts.
     But we have to move on.
     Let it go and face the future.
     Give the person beside you a big smile and a big hug.
     Things will be better.

2014年5月23日 星期五

Why Atheism?

Why did a country that have their 5000 years of divine culture became an Atheism country? It might be hard to understand if you don't know the history of communist party. People in China used to believe in God, since the stories passed on by our ancestors taught us to respect God because God is what control everything, including the rain, the sun and the land. When people have a high moral standard, everything goes well. People believe that when you do good things, good thing will happen to you; when you do bad things, then bad things will goes back to you. This rooted deeply inside people's heart until the recent century.
Chinese people was taught to believe in Atheism  these days, so that people won't care about what they do. They focus only on money and ignore the moral standard a human should have. When this kind of thoughts became the only thing they believe in , they forgot all the other things beside interest. They are afraid of nothing.
It destroys people and a nation.

2014年5月16日 星期五


Sometimes, or most of the times, it's really hard to make choices for me. I'm always facing dilemma but hoping to make the right choice for my life. For example, should i attend the class tomorrow or should i participate in the activity that i really like? Should i eat this or that? Should I devote myself in to school work so i might have a bright future or should i put more emphasis on what i love but might not gain so many profit? Should i care about what others think of me or should i always be myself? Should I pick a job that is hard but high salary or easy but low salary? Which Master's program should i choose? Go abroad or stay in Taiwan? The reason why I call it dilemma is because i know the advantages and the disadvantages of the two ways and that's why it's hard to make a decision. Always, there's two roads for me to pick. Always hard. The conclusion i get from making all the decision is that, either way will work. As long as my attitude is right, them everything will be fine.

2014年5月9日 星期五

Comments on Free China: the courage to believe

"Free China: the courage to believe" is a documentary film that has already won six or more awards in different film festival around the world. It's about a beautiful mother, who is also a former communist party member, and a Chinese American businessman. Both of them were being captured and tortured because they had their own belief that was different from the communist party's principle. When it comes to the word "Free China", most of the people might think it's about economy or politics, so they can't understand why it is about a belief.  Yes, China might be free in the economy, but what about people? The most important thing, I think, it's about people's mind and heart. If people have the awareness of their basic human rights being deprived, they will stand up for the freedom of their whole nation. And the freedom of believing is people's basic rights. Only when people's mind are free will China be free.

Free China web poster

2014年5月2日 星期五

Comments on Michael Anti: Behind the Great Firewall of China

Recently I watch the TED TALK Michael Anti: Behind the Great Firewall of China. The internet in China has been blocked until today and also censored by the government. Anti said it's like cat and mouse. The government censorship is the big and bad cat and we, the citizens are mouse.I think it's really a evil technique to "block and clone" at the same time while other dictatorship government just either block or clone. Block is a method that most people know, but of course, some people still know little about it. On the other hand, clone is a high and evil technique that gives people an illusion that the government start to give them the right of free speech. Also, cloning satisfied the people's need of social networking websites. Most of my Chinese friends are happy with Weibo in China, and not considering about the censorship that is happening there. They think it has nothing to do with them and it's normal to use words that is not the usual one to represent the meaning of another. They don't have the concept of "Free speech" and all the other rights we think we should have. If one day, the found out some banned words that can be seen on the net, they think it's blessing of the government.