2014年6月13日 星期五

Comments on Transcending Fear: The Story of Gao Zhisheng

Transcending Fear: The Story of Gao Zhisheng is a documentary film about a brave Chinese human rights lawyer. He used to help the disadvantaged minorities to fight for their rights, including the poor, the ones whose houses were taken away by the government officials and all the other unfortunate people we can't imagine. The PRC government endure his justice behavior until he fought for Falun Gong practitioners. The RPC government sell their organs without permission and persecute them and all those. Although Mr. Gao has became famous after people knew what he did for the minorities, he never sink for it and forget his duty. Instead, he decided to keep on fighting for what he think is right. His brave heart and spirit made him being tortured and abused by the PRC government. He was sentenced to jail and lost contact from 2011 until now.

 I'm not sure if I can insist on what I think is right as he did, but I really hope I could.
I think it's a very important issue in China and it's what we students and the world should care.
What we can do now is to spread the truth and get more attention from the world, hoping the PRC government will release him as soon as possible, at least let us know he is still alive.

 "It is our misfortune to live in the China of this historical period. No one on this Earth has ever had to experience or witness the suffering that has befallen us! Yet it is also our fortune to live in the China of this historical period. For we will experience and witness how the greatest people on earth banished this suffering once and for all!" - Gao Zhisheng

 Transcending Fear: The Story of Gao Zhisheng

2014年6月6日 星期五

comments on Tiananmen Massacre

25 years ago, on June 4th, 1989, thousands of students in China had been protesting for about two months, asking for democracy. The communist party, of course, didn't like this idea and decided to start the repression. They used armed force to treats students that had nothing but a heart hoping China could become a better country. Students were ran over by tanks and being killed by guns. More than a thousand students died because of this.

I think it's not simply about thousands of student dying. What really died were the heart of Chinese people. It hurts Chinese people so much that cause people now in China didn't want to participate in politics, because they think everything they did will be punished by the party. And this is what the communist party want to see. They give Chinese people a concept about  participating in politics and bad things will happen on them, so people turn their attention on money and profits. Chinese people ignored their own rights and thought as long as they don't touch politics, politics wouldn't affect them. But they are wrong. Politics will affect everyone even if it seems like you have nothing to do with it.

Hoping Chine will be free one day.
Bless China and bless the students who died for standing up for their rights.

2014年5月30日 星期五

Comments on the MRT killing news

     What happened to our society? Taipei used to be known as the safest city in Asia. Things changed because of this. Now many people started to blame the guy, blame his parents and blame the whole society. Who is the one that make this happen? I think its every one of us. All of us have the responsibility to stop this, starting from being nice and friendly to the person next to you. Nowadays people focus on their electronic devices so much that we ignore the person that needs our care and love. We jumped into the virtual world and forgot the practical one we really live in. If all of us give a big smile to everyone we met and say hello, maybe, i said maybe, this tragedy won't happen, because the killer was a human as well. He could feel the warm and love people give him.
     The tragedy has happened and it hurts.
     But we have to move on.
     Let it go and face the future.
     Give the person beside you a big smile and a big hug.
     Things will be better.

2014年5月23日 星期五

Why Atheism?

Why did a country that have their 5000 years of divine culture became an Atheism country? It might be hard to understand if you don't know the history of communist party. People in China used to believe in God, since the stories passed on by our ancestors taught us to respect God because God is what control everything, including the rain, the sun and the land. When people have a high moral standard, everything goes well. People believe that when you do good things, good thing will happen to you; when you do bad things, then bad things will goes back to you. This rooted deeply inside people's heart until the recent century.
Chinese people was taught to believe in Atheism  these days, so that people won't care about what they do. They focus only on money and ignore the moral standard a human should have. When this kind of thoughts became the only thing they believe in , they forgot all the other things beside interest. They are afraid of nothing.
It destroys people and a nation.

2014年5月16日 星期五


Sometimes, or most of the times, it's really hard to make choices for me. I'm always facing dilemma but hoping to make the right choice for my life. For example, should i attend the class tomorrow or should i participate in the activity that i really like? Should i eat this or that? Should I devote myself in to school work so i might have a bright future or should i put more emphasis on what i love but might not gain so many profit? Should i care about what others think of me or should i always be myself? Should I pick a job that is hard but high salary or easy but low salary? Which Master's program should i choose? Go abroad or stay in Taiwan? The reason why I call it dilemma is because i know the advantages and the disadvantages of the two ways and that's why it's hard to make a decision. Always, there's two roads for me to pick. Always hard. The conclusion i get from making all the decision is that, either way will work. As long as my attitude is right, them everything will be fine.

2014年5月9日 星期五

Comments on Free China: the courage to believe

"Free China: the courage to believe" is a documentary film that has already won six or more awards in different film festival around the world. It's about a beautiful mother, who is also a former communist party member, and a Chinese American businessman. Both of them were being captured and tortured because they had their own belief that was different from the communist party's principle. When it comes to the word "Free China", most of the people might think it's about economy or politics, so they can't understand why it is about a belief.  Yes, China might be free in the economy, but what about people? The most important thing, I think, it's about people's mind and heart. If people have the awareness of their basic human rights being deprived, they will stand up for the freedom of their whole nation. And the freedom of believing is people's basic rights. Only when people's mind are free will China be free.

Free China web poster

2014年5月2日 星期五

Comments on Michael Anti: Behind the Great Firewall of China

Recently I watch the TED TALK Michael Anti: Behind the Great Firewall of China. The internet in China has been blocked until today and also censored by the government. Anti said it's like cat and mouse. The government censorship is the big and bad cat and we, the citizens are mouse.I think it's really a evil technique to "block and clone" at the same time while other dictatorship government just either block or clone. Block is a method that most people know, but of course, some people still know little about it. On the other hand, clone is a high and evil technique that gives people an illusion that the government start to give them the right of free speech. Also, cloning satisfied the people's need of social networking websites. Most of my Chinese friends are happy with Weibo in China, and not considering about the censorship that is happening there. They think it has nothing to do with them and it's normal to use words that is not the usual one to represent the meaning of another. They don't have the concept of "Free speech" and all the other rights we think we should have. If one day, the found out some banned words that can be seen on the net, they think it's blessing of the government.

2014年4月25日 星期五

How could Organ Harvesting Exist?!

When you ask people in Taiwan "Where will you go if you or your relatives need an organ?", more than 80% will say China. It seems to be a normal answer that no one will really care more about it. All of us know that it is the fastest place to get a fresh organ. However, have you ever think of where the organs are from? Why does China have so many organs? Or if Chinese people love to donate their organs??? The answer was given by the former Member of Parliament and served as Canadian Secretary of State, David Kilgour, and international human rights lawyer, David Matas.

 They've made a report called "Report into allegation of organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners In China". 

Later on, they published a book called "Bloody Harvest". 

You can see in the report that the organs are from Falun Gong practitioners. The PRC government capture and torture them simply because there are too many people doing the practice. 

They even put the price of the organs online so that people can look up more easily. Of course they deleted the Web page after the investigation by the two Davids. Luckily, the web page was kept in another way as evidence.

 “It's a new form of evil on this planet.”
— David Matas, Esq., renowned Canadian human rights attorney

I think what we students can do is to let more and more people know about this and tell or relatives not to transfer there organs in China. If you are not telling people about this, then you are also a participant in organ harvesting: you allow it to exist.

2014年4月11日 星期五

What is happening in China? part2

Beside the image they built up by the media, they also did something on their education. China used to be a country that put emphasis on moral education, but after the communist party came, they destroyed everything. 5000 years of Chinese divine culture taught people to be kind, loyal, faithful and so on. Also, People used to belief in God. Buddhism and Taoism is the main belief in China. However, after the Great Cultural Revolution that happened from 1966-1977, they were being destroyed. People started to believe in the struggle in life, science, and the party. They abandoned the moral standard which i think is actually the most important thing in one's life. The cultural revolution had a deep impact to the Chinese people and the education in China. What they learn now is the destroyed culture that care nothing about moral but themselves. I don't think it's the Chinese people fault that they have to follow these rules and to be like this. Hope everything might change in the future!


What is happening in China? part1

Nowadays, it seems that  China is getting stronger and stronger in economy. They are the third largest economic entity in the world. However, sometimes even if we think we see it with our eyes, it might still be fake. The strong outside may be built by the media and an autocratic government. Due to the control of media, government can filter what they prefer the people to see on television. For example, in 2001, the Chinese government set up a situation that made people think Falun Gong practitioners will burn themselves. They kept playing a video on CCTV, saying that they did this, so don't do the practice, people practicing that will be crazy. But the real thing is, the video they played on CCTV is a fake one. They tell someone to pretend they are Falun Gong practitioners so that they can video tape it in all the position and show their people what they want them to see.

Link to False Fire:

2014年3月28日 星期五

What happened to the media in Taiwan?

It can be seen from the Sunflower Student Demonstration that the media in Taiwan must have some problem. What happened exactly? First, they garble the statement of a person. They cut what people told them and show the audience what they want them to see. They did this to video too. They took a photo of a corner and told everyone that students who protest peacefully at the legislative Yuan were rioters. Another problem is that, some media got their fund from the Chinese government, so their report are highly twisted. This Sunflower Student Demonstration is mainly about the Agreement the government signed with China. They hope this agreement will pass, so all of the reports are criticizing students. Also, they don't like democracy, so they show people on TV that democracy is a mess. But the truth is, the journalist of their company kicked over a garbage can on the road so that they can take the photo of "a mess". Media should be neutral and subjective. They need to tell people about the truth instead of what they like about the truth or part of the truth. If all the media become this kind of machine that is operated by the government, then it is no need to have media. The good news is that, there are still some media working hard, hoping to show people the truth on the world.New Tang Dynasty TV is the media that I really trust and hope people can learn more about this media. There headquarter is  in New York City and is founded Chinese Americans, and rooted in traditional Chinese culture.

Highly recommended!! 
Visit: http://www.ntd.tv/


2014年3月21日 星期五

Why did students skip classes these days?

Now, everything starts with Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement our government signed with China. It is kind of like a free trade agreement under another agreement called ECFA(economic cooperation framework agreement). Maybe foreigners will ask why are people so angry about this, isn't it just an agreement? No. It is not. First of all, All the agreements that the government signed with other countries should be discussed thoroughly in the Congress. This Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement passed in 30 second because they didn't discuss line by line. And reason why they can pass the Agreement so fast is that more than half of the legislators in the Congress  are from the KMT party. And now, here comes why KMT party is a problem. Due to the political issue between China and Taiwan, every action might effect our freedom and democracy. KMT party wants to cooperate closely with China these year, so they really want to sign this Agreement. If we take a close look to the agreement, we will find that our freedom to will be taken away. For example, our media will be controlled by the China government. All the media will be like CCTV. Also, it won't boost our economy, instead, many Taiwanese will loose their jobs because the cheap Chinese workers will be here.So, to end up, students what to protect our democracy and our country. Teachers should forgive the students about there class skipping and also pay attention to this important issue.

2014年3月14日 星期五

Do you agree or disagree with death penalty?

I agree with death penalty. There are three reasons why I agree with it. First of all, if there's no death penalty, the rate on committing crime will probably increase. There is death penalty in Taiwan now, and you can still see people murdering others. What will happen if there's nothing that can punish them? They will be "freer" to do what they like, and it will treat good people like us. Secondly, the prison will be too crowed if all the criminals are being put into jail for there whole life. Taiwan is not as big as other countries that banned death penalty. We don't have so many places to build more prisons for them to live in, so it will be hard for the government to find a spot to keep them alive. Last but not least, if you keep the criminals in the prison, then it is the citizens who pay taxes that have to feed them. It is already a huge expense on prison nowadays. There will be even more people in prison if the criminals that committed serious crimes are not put to death.
In conclusion,human right is important to everyone. If you banned death penalty, many other good people in Taiwan will be effected. Death penalty is a need in Taiwan, so I hope it will not be banned.  

2014年2月23日 星期日

What is Falun Dafa?

Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong, is a meditation practice that cultivate both mind and body. On the mind part, it teaches us to follow the top principle: truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance. I think it's really good for people right now, because nowadays people focus only on self-interest and seldom care about others. If everyone follow the principle, then the world will become a better place. On the body part, it has five sets of simple exercises. It's like meditation, so it benefits our health a lot. Many people recovered from the diseases that cannot be healed by the medical sources we've got now. When you do the practice, you will feel tranquil and peaceful.

However, although it has been practiced by more than 100 million people all over the world and benefit people so much, Falun Gong practitioners are being persecuted in China right now. At first, in 1992, when this practice being introduced to China, the PRC government like it a lot because it will reduce the cost of medical service. But then,in 1999, the former dictator, Jiang Zemin, found out that the number of people who practice Falun Gong was more than the number of Communist party member.It's about 100,000,000 to 60,000,000 at that time. so he decided to ban Falun Gong out of fear. He thought that everyone in the world take power as the most important thing, but actually not. Falun Gong practitioners only wanted to improve themselves instead of getting the political power. But he didn't care. He started the persecution, including do organ harvesting on them, put them into labor camps, torture them and all those terrible things that we couldn't even imagine. This terrible thing is still happening in China right now. Many people was killed in China. 

I think what we can do is to let more people know about it.