2014年3月28日 星期五

What happened to the media in Taiwan?

It can be seen from the Sunflower Student Demonstration that the media in Taiwan must have some problem. What happened exactly? First, they garble the statement of a person. They cut what people told them and show the audience what they want them to see. They did this to video too. They took a photo of a corner and told everyone that students who protest peacefully at the legislative Yuan were rioters. Another problem is that, some media got their fund from the Chinese government, so their report are highly twisted. This Sunflower Student Demonstration is mainly about the Agreement the government signed with China. They hope this agreement will pass, so all of the reports are criticizing students. Also, they don't like democracy, so they show people on TV that democracy is a mess. But the truth is, the journalist of their company kicked over a garbage can on the road so that they can take the photo of "a mess". Media should be neutral and subjective. They need to tell people about the truth instead of what they like about the truth or part of the truth. If all the media become this kind of machine that is operated by the government, then it is no need to have media. The good news is that, there are still some media working hard, hoping to show people the truth on the world.New Tang Dynasty TV is the media that I really trust and hope people can learn more about this media. There headquarter is  in New York City and is founded Chinese Americans, and rooted in traditional Chinese culture.

Highly recommended!! 
Visit: http://www.ntd.tv/


2014年3月21日 星期五

Why did students skip classes these days?

Now, everything starts with Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement our government signed with China. It is kind of like a free trade agreement under another agreement called ECFA(economic cooperation framework agreement). Maybe foreigners will ask why are people so angry about this, isn't it just an agreement? No. It is not. First of all, All the agreements that the government signed with other countries should be discussed thoroughly in the Congress. This Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement passed in 30 second because they didn't discuss line by line. And reason why they can pass the Agreement so fast is that more than half of the legislators in the Congress  are from the KMT party. And now, here comes why KMT party is a problem. Due to the political issue between China and Taiwan, every action might effect our freedom and democracy. KMT party wants to cooperate closely with China these year, so they really want to sign this Agreement. If we take a close look to the agreement, we will find that our freedom to will be taken away. For example, our media will be controlled by the China government. All the media will be like CCTV. Also, it won't boost our economy, instead, many Taiwanese will loose their jobs because the cheap Chinese workers will be here.So, to end up, students what to protect our democracy and our country. Teachers should forgive the students about there class skipping and also pay attention to this important issue.

2014年3月14日 星期五

Do you agree or disagree with death penalty?

I agree with death penalty. There are three reasons why I agree with it. First of all, if there's no death penalty, the rate on committing crime will probably increase. There is death penalty in Taiwan now, and you can still see people murdering others. What will happen if there's nothing that can punish them? They will be "freer" to do what they like, and it will treat good people like us. Secondly, the prison will be too crowed if all the criminals are being put into jail for there whole life. Taiwan is not as big as other countries that banned death penalty. We don't have so many places to build more prisons for them to live in, so it will be hard for the government to find a spot to keep them alive. Last but not least, if you keep the criminals in the prison, then it is the citizens who pay taxes that have to feed them. It is already a huge expense on prison nowadays. There will be even more people in prison if the criminals that committed serious crimes are not put to death.
In conclusion,human right is important to everyone. If you banned death penalty, many other good people in Taiwan will be effected. Death penalty is a need in Taiwan, so I hope it will not be banned.